Monday, February 22, 2010

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Free. What does that mean, exactly? Can I do whatever I want whenever I want? NO. I would go to jail for that.

Can I speak out against our government in a negative way? Yes I could, but...they could say that I am an unlawful enemy combatant or a terrorist which would immediately release from me my writ of habeus corpus and my right to a fair trial by a jury of my peers! - Then I would spend the rest of my life in Gitmo with no right to prove that I wasn't cool with the Taliban, but at least I would have good health care.

So what is freedom? What does "free" mean in America? It means that we are not slaves. At least not according to the connotation of the word. It is my contention, however, that most of us are slaves...slaves to capital...slaves to the almighty dollar...slaves to the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America. That is exclusive, of course, of those folks who paid cash for a double wide that was set up on Pappy's land, paid cash for a beat up pickup truck, and spend wads of cash every weekend traveling, partying, and rooting for their favorite teams. These people are free and have money to live when they are not making a living because they didn't waste hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest to finance "the American Dream".

I guess I am cynical to some extent. Maybe I should just shut up. If I wrote something like this in Pakistan, they would relieve me of my genitals.

But seriously, the Land of the FREE? It's really more like the Land of the not violently beaten and oppressed, or if you prefer...the Land of the not enslaved.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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