Friday, July 30, 2010

Ubuntu Linux Running with Windows

You have no doubt heard some of the “I lost everything on my hard drive” stories that have come from feeble attempts to install various flavors of Linux in a dual boot system with Windows. Partitioning hard drives is probably not a good idea for the typical computer user, but the desire to learn more about Linux while keeping the Windows option open is entirely too mouth watering for the eager mind to resist. I have a story or two myself. Here are the basics I have learned about Linux and the best way to learn Linux while preserving ALL of your Windows files, etc.

What is Linux?

Linux simply is a computer operating system similar to Unix that uses the Linux kernel developed by Linus Torvalds. However, it is not quite that simple since Linux is an open source operating system which means that it is free and can be modified to meet the user's needs and renamed to Some New Linux Flavor. Yes, I said free. The hundreds of different variations of Linux are called distros or flavors. Some of the more popular flavors are Fedora, Knoppix, and Ubuntu. Each flavor gains its popularity for one feature or another.

What is so great about Linux?

Didn't you read what I said? It is free! It is stable. Software is free! Free! Not only is the operating system open source, but also most of the software for it. Imagine getting a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, email client, dvd creator, web page designer, drawing editor, and anything you can dream of for free! Let's say you want to start designing databases. You would click on the task bar, type “database” in the search box, choose what you want, and click install. Done. Free. No joke. Completely legal. Try that with Windows.

How can I try it without effecting my Windows system?

I thought you'd never ask. You can install Ubuntu Linux with the Wubi Ubuntu Installer for free. Wubi allows you to install Ubuntu just like you would any other program in Windows. No fancy disk partitioning or burning CD's, just run the installer and Ubuntu will be ready to go in a few minutes. The only thing Wubi does to your Windows system is add the extra option to boot into Ubuntu. It can also be easily uninstalled just like any other application in Windows if you don't like it. And once again, it is FREE!

How do I get it?

I asked the same question. I got it here ( I am using it now. Free Ubuntu Linux. Free Open Office word processor. Isn't this sweet? You can learn more about Ubuntu here ( or at (

That's NOT so scary!

The Wubi installer for Ubuntu is by far the easiest way I have found to experiment and have loads of fun with Linux while preserving my Windows environment and not needing to spend lots of money for an alternate hard drive or separate computer. Try it and have fun!